Judi Finneran -Healthy living coach & author of The B Plus Diet

My journey. My successes and my failures have brought me to where I am today.

As the former Queen of the Weight Lost and Found Department, I know first hand what it is to struggle with losing weight and finding it again. As an adult, I have lost and sadly found over 2500 pounds. What I discovered was all diets work while you doing them. However, when you reach your goal or stop following the diet the weight comes right back and in my case they always brought some of their friends. My It was not until I realized I had to change how I thought, not just what I ate. We all know what to eat and yet we still sometimes struggle to be consistent. What I found was a way to merge my chosen eating plan with a program to create healthy, sustainable life style habits instead of being always off and on a diet. Learning when I had my thoughts focused on my goal, allowed me to make decision about eating so much simpler. In just over 15 months, I have released (not lost, since I never intend to find again) over 110 pounds bringing my total weight loss to over 161 pounds. I have released more than ½ of my body weight and headed towards my healthy goal weight. And with my new way of thinking and my healthy eating, for the first time in my life, I feel confident I will stay there. Would love to share this journey with you and support you in reaching and maintaining your ideal weight. Join my choosing one of the options below. You will become part of my amazing private group of women all doing this together!

Who Is 2B Mindset For?

– Anyone who wants to lose weight naturally so they can keep it off for good!
– Those who are frustrated with the deprivation of traditional diets.
– People overwhelmed with all the weight-loss products/info out there.
– Anyone challenged by junk-food cravings.
– Those for whom other diets have not been successful in the past.

Who Created 2B Mindset?

Ilana Muhlstein is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist — the highest standard in the field of nutrition — and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Maryland. She maintains a successful private practice in Beverly Hills and at UCLA. She’s excited about co-creating the 2B Mindset weight-loss program with Beachbody, which continues her mission to help people lose weight happily — and learn to keep it off.


  • Simple strategies to get you drinking more water. (“More Water, More Weight Loss.”) Veggies will become your best friend, once we teach you how to prepare them.
  • The bathroom scale is NOT your enemy — in fact, you’re going to love the scale because you’ll gain a new perspective on how to use it as a powerful weight-loss tool.
  • How to recognize “false hunger” and what to do to satisfy it.
  • Why you should always order first when eating out
  • How to deal with cravings
  • How to feel full but still lose weight
  • Best of all, you’ll learn one daily habit — so simple and powerful — that it will put you in an instant weight-loss mode, whenever you try it. (You’ll need to plug into the 2B Mindset program to access that one! )

With the 2B Mindset, you’ll live your life, you’ll eat food the way you like it, and you’ll go out to dinner with confidence, instead of feeling tension and anxiety that stems from eating the “wrong thing”. In fact, once you learn the 2B Mindset, those situations can actually contribute to your weight-loss progress because you’ll finally be in control of food and your body, and you’ll have all the tools you need to reach your weight-loss goals while living a full, rich, satisfying life. Ilana will teach you the purpose of the foods we eat and when and how to enjoy them for maximum weight loss. You’ll get dozens of her personal recipes for healthy meals and she’ll lay out all the techniques she and all of her clients have used to lose the weight and help keep it off. Most importantly, you will learn to shift your mindset, because a positive mindset means a positive and healthy weight loss, with no more emotional eating, no more mindless snacking, and no more punishing yourself for eating food you love.

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