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Helping others get their lives back
I am a wife and mom of 4 grown amazing kids and one of the 40 Founding Team Beachbody Coach’s! My #1 Core Value is Freedom and I’ve designed my life to be able to do what I want, when I want, with who I want and where I want. That is my definition of FREEDOM!
Five years ago we purchased our 1st RV, something which had been on my “vision board” for years. Since then we have traveled throughout the United States meeting my amazing team of coaches and 100’s of raving customers.
In the process we are working on a goal to visit all 409 US National Parks and monuments in the country and get our National Parks Passports stamped in each one.
We have also had the opportunity to travel throughout the UK and Ireland to help our friends abroad create businesses and become healthy in the process.
My vision of my book, The B+ Diet, will be a tool to help others overcome obesity and allow them to see how exciting and free a life can be when a normal weight. Freedom from spending every day thinking about starting a diet, going off of your diet and wondering how to get off the roller coaster of weight loss.
As a healthy living coach, I support others to overcome their own roadblocks to a healthy life and show them ways to turn their weight loss journey into a success story like mine.
What My Clients are Saying
Karine T.
Melody D.

Queen of the Weight Lost and Found Department having personally lost and found over 2,500 pounds as an adult.
It was not until I released my “perfection expectation” that I began experiencing true success in losing weight and keeping it off.
A veteran of almost every “diet” out there, I am proof all diets do work – in the short term. You can lose weight on all of them.
However until you change your mindset, success doesn’t last and the weight comes back.
In my book, The B+ Diet – How One Woman Let Go of Perfection, Found Her Confidence, And Lost Over 220 lbs, I describe my personal journey and how I achieved permanent weight loss.
Learn how you can do this too! Check out the coaching page where I can be your personal success partner.
Check out My BLOG Articles
How many times have we not done something because we were embarrassed by our weight.…
Losing weight is not always linear and while we are always happy to see the…